Recommended Ages: 7 - 13
The kids classes encompass the beginner, intermediate, and advanced belt ranks. This progression is a scaled down version of the adults’ ranks, to accommodate for developmental stages and likely self defense encounters. Once the students become of age, and feel comfortable, they are eligible to transition into the adult class. For all classes, the instructor(s) will inform the student and family when it is appropriate to move to a more advanced class.
Beginner (White Belt to Intermediate Yellow Belt)
The Beginner Class is the foundation class for karate. Here they learn class structure and begin to develop basic karate skills. During this class, almost all skills are performed individually, with the occasional gentle interaction from the instructor. This is also where we introduce how to practice falling safely and securely. This class focuses on social interaction, consent, and how to communicate respectfully while not losing their own voice.
Intermediate (Solid Yellow Belt to Solid Blue Belt)
The Intermediate Class builds upon the skill set introduced in the beginner class. The kata become progressively more difficult and we learn how to persevere through challenging material. It is in this class that the students begin to have peer/instructor interaction through partner drills, beginner kumite, and at times beginner bunkai. The curriculum for this class does not include throwing each other; however, the necessary skill of falling is continually strengthened. In this class we continue to develop appropriate social interaction skills, work ethic, and how to provide helpful feedback to our peers.
Advanced (Purple Stripe Belt to Junior Black Belt)
The Advanced Class is where we begin to incorporate power and speed into karate. This is effectively done once the karate foundation is firmly in place. Here students learn to pull together the skills they have been continually working on into a more effective tool for self defense against a larger aggressor. In this class the students work with other students and the instructors through partner drills, kumite, and bunkai. Some of the kata learned in this class will be on their adult black belt test, when they are ready.
Recommended Ages: 14+
The adult class encompasses all ranks. Even though this class is a group format, the student moves independently through the ranks with the help of their fellow karateka and instructors. This class combines multiple kata in the ranking system. Additionally, kumite, bunkai, heavy bag, and makiwara are introduced earlier than in the kids classes. This class also incorporates developmentally appropriate social, communication, and critical thinking skills, depending on the need of the class. Here we explore self-defense scenarios that emerging adults and adults are more likely to encounter. In this class, practical application is more freely discussed, as a way to facilitate a more complete understanding of the maneuvers.