Karate swag is here!

We have been working on improving the website. One of our biggest tasks was creating a store page, which is now active. Should you find that there is something you would like in a size that is not available for immediate purchase, please email us. We will be happy to place an order for items as soon as possible. Also, we can order kid sizes in most of the apparel.

It is that time again...

A new session begins this week, August 16th and 18th. We hope to see you in class. As a reminder, all individuals need to wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status. Thank you for your continued cooperation in keeping everyone safe.


NTS training...

Hi Crew, I forgot to mention that I would like for all those participating to wear gi pants, a t-shirt (no tank tops please), and your rank belt. You are welcome to wear your full gi, if you would prefer. Thank you. I am excited about our training tonight!

NTS Training Update

Hi crew,

Once again the NTS (National Training Seminar) is being held via Zoom. Although it is not the same experience as they years past, and those to come, this is a unique opportunity for more students to attend this cherished annual event. I am looking forward to sharing this experience with you all!

Here is the plan for Friday’s NTS group training, via Zoom. It looks like the weather will be cooperative and not rain. If it does end up raining, this group training will we canceled and we will train individually in the comfort of our own spaces. The Zoom link will be available to you upon registration and will work for both Friday night and Saturday.

Should it not rain on Friday, we will continue with the group session. Training will begin on Friday night at 4 pm, our time, and end at 6 pm. We will be training at Vago Park in the very back near the large pavilion. We will do our training in the grass. I will provide a television and the Zoom connection for the NTS training. Following the training session, we will have a large-scale picnic and social gathering. Due to the increased risk of COVID-19 spread for those who are not fully vaccinated, we will not have a potluck style dinner. Instead, each household is encouraged to bring their own food and drinks for the post training gathering.


Below is the seminar schedule and the link for registration. I have adjusted the time to reflex our time zone.

Friday night, July 30 activities:

4:00 PM Welcome Message and Official Opening Ceremony

4:30 PM Iha Sensei, 10th Dan

5:30 PM Paul Snader, 8th Dan, Fairlawn Dojo, East Coast Head

6:30 PM Marcelo Yonamine, 7th Dan, Brazil

7:20 PM Closing Message


Saturday, July 31 activities:

8:00 AM Opening Message

8:30 AM Iha Sensei, 10th Dan

9:30 AM Mark McCloud, 8th Dan, Holt Dojo, Midwest Assoc. Head

10:30 AM Lunch Break (Dojo or Home)

12:00 PM Joachim Laupp, 9th Dan, Germany

1:00 PM Masatoshi Miyazato, 10th Dan, Argentina

2:00 PM Iha Sensei, 10th Dan

3:00 PM Sensei Iha Celebration

4:00 PM Dinner break (Dojo or Home)

6:00 PM Friendship Celebration

7:00 PM Closing by Roy Paul, 7th Dan, Guelph Dojo, Canada Head


Still Time to Register for NTS  
