Good news, we are going to be back at the Maryland Heights Community Center as of January 4 & 6th! We will be required to wear a mask and maintain 6 feet distancing at all times-no contact. For this reason, we will be in a different larger room. The specific details will be forth coming, probably Monday afternoon. This schedule is always subject to change, due to COVID-19.
Due to the pandemic, the Maryland Heights Community Center has moved to shortened hours of operation. The building now closes at 8 pm. For this reason, there is a shift in class schedule for the advanced and adult ranks. Additionally, the classes held at the Community Center will not incorporate a Zoom option. Also, spectators are not allowed. All parents, grandparents, and siblings are not allowed to be in the dojo during karate class as spectators. Those who train are welcome to be assistants during lower rank class periods. Our classes will be held on the main floor in the large conference/party rooms. This is the portion of the building that has the adjustable room sizes. These rooms have not been utilized during the pandemic, since parties and large in person conferences have not been allowed. Our room will have a maximum capacity of 20 people. These restrictions are per county regulations. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, comments, or concerns.