Annual Karate Family Potluck Picnic is back!

We are finally able to have our annual karate family picnic again!

Date: Sunday, August 21st, 2022

Time: 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Location: Vago Park

2700 Fee Fee Rd, Maryland Heights, MO 63043, USA

RSVP: by Friday, August 19th, 2022

Description: For all current and past students, it is time for our annual Karate Family Potluck Picnic. We will be in the large pavilions in the very back of the park, next to restrooms, basketball court, playground, and bike trail. Hot dogs, condiments, forks/spoons/knives, plates, napkins, and water will be provided. Please bring a dish to share with everyone and non-alcoholic drinks for your family. We recommend bringing water guns for added fun. We will need to know the number of people in your household who will be attending, so the correct number of hot dogs are purchased.  

Look, it is almost ready for us!

We are so close! All the finishing touches are done, except for the wall mounted feminine hygiene receptacle. The landlord has it to give to the contractor. So, just the HVAC final inspection approval and the occupancy approval are left. I can’t wait to officially get in the door and start putting in our details, such as mirrors, mat floor, heavy bag, and makiwaras. As soon as we get occupancy, we will start training at the dojo. I will let everyone know as soon as it happens!

Not yet...Almost...

Unfortunately, the HVAC final inspection did not pass today. There are two things that must be corrected before they reinspect it. So, we will not be in the dojo for NTS on Saturday and classes will be held via Zoom for the early part of next week. Hopefully we will be in the dojo mid next week, fingers crossed. However, we do have much of the finishing touches done, just a few more to go.

We are so close to having the new dojo open!

Both the electrical and plumbing inspections passed today, yay! Tomorrow the HVAC is scheduled for inspection. When that passes then the final occupancy inspection is done. The carpenter is installing all the final touches today for the final occupancy inspections. If all goes smoothly, we could get our occupancy permit on Friday! This is so incredibly exciting!

All the utility installations are done!

We have a working drinking fountain with the ability to refill water bottles! We also have hot water for the bathroom and mop sink. All the utility inspections are being ordered. Monday the carpenter installs all the finishing touches and then the final inspection is ordered! We are so close now!