The dojo will be closed on Monday, May 29th, in observance of Memorial Day. Enjoy your long weekend.
More students’ name plaques added to the wall
We had some more student name plaques hung on the dojo wall. It is always exciting to the students, and the dojo, grow!
Some improvements at the dojo...
We had a very productive weekend at the dojo. The additional window decals are hung, the heavy bag is raised, and the planters have beautiful spring plants in them. A special thank you to Mr. Nitsche, Ms. Johnston, and Katy for all their help and expertise!
Test Day
We had a great group of student test for their next rank today. Everyone did a great job!
International Women's Day-Karate Style
Happy International Women’s Day. We would like to give it a little karate flair with pictures from our 2019 Okinawa and Argentina trips. This was such a wonderful experience training with some of our karate sisters from all over the world.